The Plight of Refugees: A Collection of Drawings and Poems by Junior Girl Scout Troop 19
Stay Strong by Anya M. Refugees are normal people just like us. Even if they find a home, some feel like they aren't home. Some Find...

Junior Troop 19 Bronze Project 2015-2016
The Bronze Award is the highest award that a Junior Girl Scout can receive. After some discussion, our troop decided to focus our...

Only a Child
A six year old boy and his sister escaped the conflict in Syria due to shooting and violent acts. Armed men shot at him while he was...

One Day - 150 Sandwiches!
The Girl Scouts made 150 sandwiches for the refugees. We put a few things in the sandwich. We put cucumber, ham, cheese and butter. In a...

The Story of Nikki and Donya
Nikki and Donya are two sisters from Iran. They left Iran because they didn't have freedom of speech, or religion. From Iran they decided...

A Syrian Girl’s Story
Sara is 13 years old. Her home was destroyed by the fighting. She couldn’t go to school or play with her friends outside because of the...

Save the Refugees
I chose to draw a picture called "Save the Refugees" because I think it is important to save the refugees. I think that not many care...

Life of Syrian Refugees
About three years ago, Syria began to be torn apart. Syrians started demanding democratic and economic reforms from the government of...

An Armenian Side of Things
My story is about an Armenian woman who lived in Istanbul, Turkey for 10 years. She found a job as a housekeeper. The reason she moved to...

Life in the Camps: An interview with Turkish Red Crescent Officer
An officer from Turkish Red Crescent reported that “Doctors, engineers, and professors all stay in the same camps. They are as happy as...